Does your buyers agent really have your back?

Does your buyers agent really have your back?

Of late there has been much hype in the media with Buyer Agents and BA firms being closely aligned ( cross owned) with real estate sales offices – NOT A GOOD THING ! but apparently not illegal ? as yet.  As well as Buyer Agents starting up businesses with nothing but...
How Much Do Buyers Agents Charge in NSW?

How Much Do Buyers Agents Charge in NSW?

Buyer’s agents work on behalf of a buyer to comb for properties that meet the buyer’s brief. In some instances, they will commence negotiations on price for the buyer too. The agent will provide professional, knowledgeable, and timely advice on property...
Do I Need a Buyer’s Agent in Newcastle?

Do I Need a Buyer’s Agent in Newcastle?

If you are starting the search for a new home, or perhaps your first home, you may be wondering “Do I need a buyer’s agent?” Buying a property can be a daunting prospect. In such a booming market, it’s easy to get swept away by rising costs and confusing...
What Is Limited Title on a Property?

What Is Limited Title on a Property?

If you’re in the market to buy a house, you may be advised that a property you intend to purchase is ‘Limited Title’. So, what does this mean? And is a Limited Title something that you should be concerned about? In a nutshell, a Limited Title property refers to...